Bee and Yard

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Save the Bees!

You tell me, you smart newspaper-reading people (see last post).
The bees have been in my yard since May, and there have been four people stung in all of those (Icandomath, Icandomath) four months: me, my mom, my dad, and a neighbor's dog who tried to eat a bee. Tell me, if these little ladies are soooo dangerous, wouldn't even dogs know not to eat them? Huh? HUH? HUH??? HUH?!? YOU TALKIN' TO ME?!?

If you didn't ignore that, slap yourself on the wrist, give me ten push-ups, slam a dunce cap on your head, and sit in the corner for five minutes. Then keep reading.
In other words, the committee has voted on a ban, had it voted down, voted on a ban again (can they do that?), and is now trying to regulate it to oblivion by requiring 25-foot set-back distances. PLEASE go to and vote on the bee bzz-ness. No, don't go now, finish reading first, fool... EYES FRONTWAYS, CADET!!!
Do I have to tell you?
Well, I'm not sure how to wrap this up, so--
Look! I'm over there! (see arrow at top)
