Bee and Yard

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Queen is here!

Sorry for taking so long to get back to you guys about Da Beez. Things have been a little hectic what with school, and neighbors, and finals, and research papers, and finals, and illnesses, and finals, and finals! A-yup, finals are pretty intimidating, and they pop up kinda unexpectedly. In fact, there might be a final hovering behind you right NOW!
I didn't say anything.
Well, the bees are installed, and have been for over a week. Wednesday we let the queen out of her cage into the hive, so I had to endure countless dumb jokes about her being seen in a tiara. The cork that was keeping the queen in her cage was really something though; the bees had ripped these great big chunks out of it from the outside. And of course I had to use the smoker in order to open up the hive, so I smelled funny for the rest of the day. How funny? I was burning cotton husks, but a similar effect in terms of personal atmosphere could be obtained by burning a pair of used sweat socks and rubbing the ashes into your hair. That funny.
I find it necessary to remind people that if they are looking for a site that is coherent, completely sane, and grammatically correct, they ain't not be comin' here. So don't criticize me for rambling or insanity, but feel free to burn me (not literally) about bad grammar unaccompanied by a dumb joke. Or use of the word "spork".
You guessed it! I've been rambling again. But, better to ramble than to spaz out completely.
Gaah! I'm over my rambling quota!
The bees are fine, just to get back on topic, but I'm not saying where they are unless you submit me a tax form from year 2007 with the correct password typed in ink with a #2 lead pencil, to quote Bill Bryson.
Ramble-meter is off the charts.
Best, from Jezaib.


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